Light ROM 4
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000408_owner-lightwav…mail.webcom.com_Sun Oct 8 09:02:30 1995.msg
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Date: Sun, 8 Oct 1995 11:55:11 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Donald J. Nelson" <dnelson@nando.net>
To: LW_MailList <lightwave@mail.webcom.com>
Subject: Trouble c/ LW Macros in AmigaLW4.0
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As soon as I installed the Flyer 4.07 version of the Amiga LW and went to
modeler/obj/macros window to select the macros I wanted to use, I found
the settings were absent (none) and my attempts to add them were
unsuccessful. I can add a macro to the list, on the F1 key say, but it
doesn't work or save, and the box to the left has an inappropriate list of
command setup options (? is that what they are? and where do they come
from). I'm lost, at least as far as I can tell, in the macro jungle.
Have I got a bad -MOD-config? I don't see the F-key assignments there as
in the old 3.5 -config. How does one add macros to the F-keys in the LW 4.0
Question 2-
I have the Syndesis 3-D Object CDROM disk, With the Avalon objects, get
the files unzipped OK, but find the Load to modeler or setup fails to
recognize the .DFX or .3ds file formats. What is the conversion process??
I see a Loader type named DFX, - how do I use it?
Question 3 - When are we going to get the release version of the Amiga
Flyer/Toaster?? We're in month 13 of this beta testing process. As a
paying customer - I'm reminded as I look at my check stubs - I feel
like my
longterm faithful support of Newtek over many years is not doing me as
much good as I had hoped. The PC crowd is leapfrogging out, way out,
front of us Amiga users.
Sorry - I had to vent that.
Can anyone straighten me out on the above
Don Nelson
"Donald J. Nelson" <dnelson@nando.net> sent this message.
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